Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Host Family!!

     OK, So my host brother contacted me about a week ago! I have two brothers (That are older than me) and my parents. I'm going to be the baby in the family for once. My host brother emailed me and informed me that I am to be living in Taichung with them, Taiwan's third largest city. I'm so stoked!! I don't know what club or school in Taichung I will be attending. Or what my host parents or house looks like; but I did find my two brothers on Facebook!
     I have been so preoccupied with school and work, that I haven't really stopped to think about leaving the country in a little over a month! This new information got me hyped up, and super excited for my new life to come. Every day, I am doused with a little more excitement.

Located in the central district of Taichung, Taichung Park.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Prepare.. All I can do!

A little less than 3 months before I depart for Taiwan. This is when it starts feeling more real! Haha. I have been so busy with school, family, and work that I havn't stopped to really think about this HUGE decision I am making. Though every time I do, they are thoughts of excitement. Especially now that school has ended; so much to look forward too!
I have not learned what district in Taiwan I will be staying in, meaning I am unaware of any of the host families I will be living with. I have huge hopes for living in Taipei, Taiwan's capital; a city populated with about 2 million people. But any district in Taiwan will be amazing, for it is all so different from America, and that is exactly the kind of experience I want; something really diverse. There are so many different cultures in the world that I am so unaware of; making Taiwan a great ice-breaker for becoming more educated on cultures and customs different from my own.
I hope you enjoy my updates throughout my trip. I'm ecstatic, having never traveled outside the U.S. before! :)